Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Communism is an illusion


Communism is an illusion

We all know that the theory of communism developed by Karl Marx during the mid 19th century is the antagonist of Capitalism.

The theory of communism is a social organization where each individual in the society is equally benefited and the wealth is equally devised among the population. In contrast to that, capitalism is an economic system that is also known as individualism based on the private ownership of property. 


The first thing that we need to take into consideration is that communism was born because of excessive capitalism, but why are these theories opposing each other when we humans ourselves have created it?

Certainly, capitalism has negative consequences, such as poverty and social imbalance. Yet at present, the world evolves with it and it is not treated as something created by humans, it has now become the norm, it has now become the social system. For example, this artificial man-made norm emphasizes the distinction between thin and fat, rich and poor. We all try to be thin and rich by unconsciously becoming a slave of the norms that society has created. Where ever we go, whatever we see, whatever we hear, whatever we consume, and whatever we learn are all composed of capitalism. As a result, this capitalistic mindset of human has affected the attitude and personality to be selfish and egoistic by continuously trying to own property and valuables that has now become natural to the living. Each newborn is taught to be the best in society and be successful as we continuously run the race to be wealthy, but we do not try to be fat and poor. We do not try to share our property because it would make us poor and drag us into poverty. Why? Because being fat and poor is considered abnormal since society doesn't accept it and such people are being discriminated.

Even though society speaks against capitalism, those who fight against it aren't really practicing communism. Also, it is well aware that capitalism cannot be ceased for the hegemony it holds. Even if one attempts to do so, one creates an inevitable powerful enemy because capitalists would never let a communist prevail or win by any chance.

So, how can the world cease capitalism? 

This is something to ponder... 


According to my opinion, communism has no power to stand against capitalism in this world. While at the same time, to live in this world it is essential to be a capitalist unless none will be able to survive. 


Therefore, do you think that this world will ever be a follower of communism or is it just an illusion?


1 comment:

  1. it looks like you have done a good study about communism and capitalism prior to this article which is really admirable. However there are few arguments of yours that i a cannot agree with.

    Firstly, you have stated that communism is an organization, but my point is that though groups of communists can create organisations but communism is a theoretical ideology not an organisation.

    furthermore, i feel that you have framed your idea of communism into helping the poor and opposing the capitalism. communism is much more in my perspective. it's true that the world will never achieve perfect communism as you have stated. a perfect Utopia will never come into existence. Yet it is essential for us to understand where are we evolving towards with capitalism? in the capitalistic mentality everything is based on money and profit. The forests are destroyed with zero regards to the nature to obtain wood. the water bodies are destroyed from the waste matters from the enormous factories owned by the so called capitalistic prominent figures. so are we to turn a blind eye to these just because the capitalism holds the hegemony at present. what will happen to the future generations when the current capitalists have consumed everything and destroyed everything of the world to gain profit?

    on the other hand countries with more leftists and social ideologies have set an example to the world in many ways. Free healthcare is given to all citizens and free education is given to all students and equal opportunities are provided to people of all social states in these countries. if you doubt me compare New Zealand(Led by the labor party) with america(A prominent capitalistic country) at the moment. In the recent past countries with similar ideologies like New Zealand and Canada have thrived much more effectively in the growth in every aspect thanks socialistic values.

    So i personally feel that you don't need the whole world to stand by your side to make a change and do a difference and it's up to the people to decide whether you want to go on with the flow or ride against the wave.
