Tuesday, March 2, 2021

 When we judge, We are judged?

When you are asked what is the most used mobile application in your mobile phone last week, what will be your answer? If it is not a social media application, it is unbelievable. In this situation, social media has become a platform, wherein people judge others virtually in different criteria. So far we may have read many articles which indicate how we are affected by this social media. Nevertheless, have you ever read an article which indicate how others and the image of our representative country are affected by what we have done on social media?

It is obvious that social media is utilized in diverse intentions, such as providing sarcasm, trolling, marketing, gossiping and a bit of giving knowledge also. In Sri Lankan social media context, sarcasm and trolling are the main intentions. It is fine that these are considered as mind – relaxing activities for a set of people.  However, are we using these trolling and sarcasm in an accurate way? Considering the most recent incident on the Facebook account of “Angela Hutti”, an American meteorologist working for Fox 2 News, most of Sri Lankan Facebook users started to comment on her Facebook posts, imitating her name as a bad word in Sinhala. In the genuine sense, Sri Lankan Facebook users had not had any work other than commenting on her posts. It had become such viral that, Facebook users in Sri Lankan region were banned visiting her Facebook account. What a shame. Isn’t it?

Did we ever think about how she feels when such a shameful Sri Lankan word is imitated not only to her name, but also her child’s name? It is fine if that Sri Lankan word comes to our mind when we read that name. Nevertheless, is it necessary to comment that word on her posts showing how Sri Lankans mind set is working? At the end of the day, the image of Sri Lanka was not badly but completely collapsed by set of comments on a social media account of an American. The joke is that we are still blaming politicians about not being a developed state for 70 years. How can we expect a development more than this with this discipline?  We all should be happy about surviving this country to this extent with this kind of discipline level.

A wise man once said “correct your own mistakes, before blaming others”. So, correct your own mistakes, thoughts and the way you behave in social media before blaming politicians for each and everything. The more you judge others, the more you are judged. The more you are judged individually, the whole country is judged.       


  1. Thank you for the insight! This is something we all should take into our heads. After reading this article we might feel ashamed of our country and we might also feel ashamed of those people who commented such things in a sarcastically terrible way. Yet, just think a minute, haven't we done the same thing even once in our lives. keep aside social media think about your WhatsApp chats and daily private conversations with friends. Most of the time more than talking about our lives we keep on spending hours and hours talking about someone's character, the love life of that person, the affairs he/she had, the way she dresses and the list goes on and on. Actually its non of our business. right? but sill we keep on entertaining ourselves digging into someone else's life. Just imagine someone talking ill about your body, character or your life behind your back, would you like it. It is true that we cannot change the perspectives of the world, but we can contribute to a change individually by changing ourselves first. Right?

    1. Definitely.. With the technological progress, the physical society becomes more virtual through social media. Thereby, the ethics we follow in the physical society should also become ethics in this virtual society. The problem is that the thoughts, feelings, emotions we have to keep private become more public in this virtual platform when they are converted to readable and audible words. So, we have to change ourselves first.
