Wednesday, March 10, 2021

MONEY Is Not The Most Important Thing for Success


Money is not the most important thing for success

Though MONEY seems to be the No#1 thing to become successful, that’s NOT TRUE. It might convince you for some time but close evaluation indicates something else. Therefore, Money is NOT the most important thing for success. Those who believe that Money is the primary obstacle, give a break. Get out of that illusion. It’s a completely false case against your chance of success.

Yes, it’s absolutely true that Money is one of the important resources among all but it’s not the only reason for not following your dream.

You must have seen or known many who do have enough money to pursue their dreams but they don’t. You must have heard many stories where people got all the resources, including money but they still fail because they could not take it in the right direction. And you also have seen people without any resources get success after success. You must wonder how?

Motivation is more important than Money

When you are motivated, you have the right mindset, you have that drive to follow your dream, create something for yourself that is worth creating, pursue your dream with a vision that when you arrange all the resources, including Money. Now, the scenario is such, you will get all the resources, but what you do not get is MOTIVATION, the DRIVE, the MINDSET. Because all these things are internal, you have to nurture it by yourself and you have to keep it in continuation so that you will be able to achieve whatever you want to achieve.

When you are full of Motivation, you will do whatever it takes to fulfill your dreams. Without that it’s nothing. So do not fool yourself with these excuses. You have much better ways to realize your dreams.

So anything and everything is possible if you set your intention right.


  1. I'm totally agree with your idea because money is actually not life but a lifeline. Even though some people have money they don't have happiness because their earnings are not in statutory ways. Therefore, to spot on an accurate motivation is essential for one's life to achieve their goals and become successful.

  2. At present, money becomes the most important thing to people. "Man calleth thee his wealth, who made thee rich;
    And while he digs out thee, falls in the ditch" -Avarice by George Herbert-
    The people who is greed for money falls in the ditch. It's same that who think money as the most important thing in life never see success in his life. Money doesn't bring success. One have to have motivation in order to reach success.A person without zero penies can be successful if he has motivation.I agree that,"When you are full of Motivation, you will do whatever it takes to fulfill your dreams".It's the right mindset and motivation that you need.Some think that they cannot be successful because they don't have money,some wait till money make them successful while ones who have motivation win the life.

  3. Money is not the most important thing in our life but In the modern world, money has become an indispensable thing. People run after money in order to make their lives better. They neglect their own responsibilities before greedy for money. In my opinion, in modern world we cannot live without money because people are accustomed to this mad race of earning money.

  4. It is true that money is not the most important thing in life. Everything in life requires money, but little did people know there are many other things that should come before it. To some people money means everything to them, to me money is important but it is not the most important. You need money to survive, to meet our basic needs, to provide for ourselves and our families. Other than that, money is only able to buy you materialistic things, but when it comes to love, happiness, motivation etc. money is useless. When you have money, it either changes you or everyone around you. When people see that you are all about money, everyone wants to be your friend. Another thing about money is that when you have money you seem to have the power to talk and get your point across. Crime is 90% caused by money and people nowadays would do anything for it.

    Lastly, money definitely can not buy you love, the motivation to have a successful life. If money was important in your life, you tend to forget about everything else because the only thing you usually strive for is more money. Therefore, enough will never be enough. During the process of money being the most important in your life, you have no time for yourself, you lose yourself, and you forget that you are important to yourself as well. Thus money is not the most important thing for one to be a successful person. If you have true a companion around you who motivate you to become a successful person that is the most important thing. So, never be a money minded person, do not forget to care and love the people around you. Think about what truly makes you happy and the chances are that money won't be very high on the list !

  5. I'm also agree with your notion.Money is not the most crucial thing for the success.Briefly,success can be considered as a combination of someone's determination,courage,sacrifice and hard-working.As you mentioned,if we have not motivation or right mindset,all our efforts will be futile in the journey of success.Therefore,money is not the solution for everything.In the current society,there are many rich people who are unable to achieve the success.In general ,people always expect victory,especially the people who have lot of money.Let's think that these people lost their money,sometimes they may be unable to tolerate that situation.But if they have good and strong mentality,they are able to manage that situation.Therefore,it is obvious that money is not important for the success,strong mentality,right mindset and self-motivation are essential to catch up the goals in life.

  6. Me too do agree with your argument- motivation comes before money. If we want to be successful what we should do is, just work on it. Sometimes it can take one day or sometimes it can take one year. Eventhough you are rich and have enough money you cannot purchase success. Success can be described as the end result of hard working, dedication or simply motivation. The person who are competent with full of motivation will achieve the the greater success. So, I would like to introduce the combination of motivation, success and money in one line ; if you are motivated, you can be successful, and if you are succeed, you can have enough money. Finally, money doesn't affect on the level of success a person has.

  7. The contributor (HS/TE18/00060) has plagiarized the blog post in entirety.
