While I was looking for something interesting to write about, I found an article saying that our thoughts have colors. Since it seemed to be some interesting knowledge, I thought to share it with you.
Surprisingly, there are three types of thoughts just like the signal lights, that is to say, basically, our thoughts are either green, yellow, or red. let's take time to observe which color you are in.
Green thoughts
Just like the "go" signal, green thoughts radiate positive energy. They encourage us to move on and take risks to try new things. When your thoughts are green, you are more comfortable with yourself. Moreover, green thinkers are great achievers. They have a clear vision and enough determination to achieve their goal in life. Green is the color of our "heart Chakra" and thus, these thoughts allow us to think by heart.
Red thoughts
Angry, impatient, and terrifying thoughts are red. They keep you stuck in one particular situation and hold a gloomy perspective. Red thinkers are anxious and can 'create' obstacles even in a clear path with unnecessary worries. The lack of confidence caused by red alerts makes you a self-oriented person where survival instincts dominate. Red is the color of our "base or root chakra" and is predominantly fear-based.
Yellow thoughts
Yellow thoughts are neutral thoughts. These are a mixture of green and red thoughts and without being excessive. They allow us to feel peaceful or meditate without any green or red alerts. These are known as 'observer thoughts' since they allow us to evaluate red and green in the chatter in our heads. It makes you confident and more equipped to notice the situation running in your head.
Let's take a minute to decide the color in your thoughts. Then you can take charge and decide the color mixture of your own life. Begin to practice these steps to take charge of your inner coloring.
- start to notice the color of your thoughts
- be aware at any given moment of which colors you are creating
- practice changing the lens- move from red to yellow, then yellow to green