Monday, April 26, 2021

Be you, yourself.


Be yourself regardless of what people think or talk about you. 

Most of the people in the world maintain a public and a private life. They act one way in private life and another way in public, because they feel like they can not be truly themselves without being judged. At least once in a lifetime there can be a moment where one feel uncomfortable with the false habits that they are following in front of others. You could be a different person to different people. Talented to another. Failure to one. Flawless to your lover. Stranger to someone. Quiet to one. Best to your friend. Worst to your enemy. Smart to one. Daring to another. Difficult to a lot. Unknown to the rest. It might be difficult to show your true self to others, yet being yourself is more important, as peace of mind and personal tranquility are the only factors which keep ones eternal happiness. Thus the question arises how a person can achieve a peaceful mind at the end of life, if the whole life is acted according to someone else's wishes and needs? Therefore, despite satisfying others, satisfy your own self and enjoy every little moment which makes you happy. Be you, yourself.


  1. Yes , it is evident that we all are different. Why would you try to be like somebody else ? Why change your looks or your body with plastic surgery? Why not be happy with the way you are? Everybody is unique. While longing for talents you do not have , you are neglecting those talents that you do have. You have been gifted with a unique set of talents, so we should find out what they are and should develop them. There is no coincidence. Everything in the universe happens for a reason. You are not talented by accident! If you do not have a nightingale voice, you were not meant to sing. You can do something else with your life according to the talents that you do have, and leave the singing to someone else who is naturally talented for that. Talents are not only activities like singing , acting , dancing, painting , writing or excellence in sports. Your unique talent could be your enthusiasm, your connection with animals, your generosity, being a good teacher, being a good problem solver or being a loving community member. It could also be your capacity to love, your brilliance , intelligence , making others laugh , kindness , easily learning new languages and many more. What matters at the end is for you to be yourself. To be yourself is to find out what your unique talents and to put them together. It would be a big waste of time trying to be someone else. You are always at your best being yourself ! The world too needs you as the way you are. The more you dare to be yourself, the more you feel freedom. So, be you,yourself! ❤️ It is your life and nobody else's.

  2. Each person is unique and is used to live a unique lifestyle, this is something that I always believe. There is no one in this world who is perfect and no one has the right to judge who is the best because everyone has a unique beauty and a life that can be lived in a different way. According to this post, it is quite true that we all maintain different personalities in our life and it is inevitable. As per the given examples in the post a person may play different roles at different stages in life that leads to act accordingly, but if we try to display a false image, it may make us slaves of our own imagined and fancied personality because it cannot last long as the true self cannot bear it. Therefore, in order to be happy and to live the life to the fullest, it is best to be "you", and not to think of the external influences as "you" are in-charge of "your happiness".

  3. I agree with your argument. When it comes to judgments on people, judging someone can be also a unique feature of humans. It is not necessary to depend on other's judgments. If your own peace of soul depends on satisfying others and their judgments, it is all-right. At the end, doing what makes you happy is the path to the eternal happiness.

  4. I totally agree with your point and even I also appreciate the concept "Be yourself regardless of what people think or talk about you". But can we follow this all the time? Then are you going to discourage or backward at such criticism which comes against your way of living? Here I just wanted to add a suggestion that you can follow when your unique lifestyle is disturbed. Firstly you can keep calm your mind all the time. In order to do this you can measure the goodness of your acts by having a self-judgement, asking these two question from yourself;
    1. Do my activities hurt myself?
    2. Do my activities hurt others?
    Here through this trick one can have a self observation on him/herself and even make your weakness by maintaining your uniqueness further. Secondly, you can hear valuable discussions and conversations; this can be even a preaching of your religion, which supports for you to build up your own way of living ahead. Therefore, these are some suggestions what people can follow at the criticisms against your unique lifestyle.
