Saturday, April 24, 2021

Feminism Vs Equality


The concept of Feminism being the advocacy of women's rights and the belief that both sexes, men and women must be given equal treatment and the unbothered access to rights. Thus, this being  centered on women as a majority, the evolved concept of Equality is more regarded in the modern world, that being every person should be treated with equality despite gender, race or color. The concept of equality stands for itself being the goal that everyone ultimately desires, which is equality and tranquility of the modern world.


The patriarchal society that has been existing since the ancient times, has always cornered women and children and the rising evolution of women with the industrialization and modernization, men are not the only bread winners of a family, and thus, women also being independent have the right to ask for equal treatment and equal access to right as men. Women being women and belonging to one gender as a whole, have created and developed many activist and Feminist  societies/ institutions that support feminism and promote the concept of feminism worldwide. In the west, this has been successful now, this being the 21st century of modernization. In the east though, especially in countries like India, women are not at least given the basic right of education much less they are not given the right of free will. Thus, Feminists and the concept of Feminism worldwide is narrowed down to women and paving the way for women to get access to equal rights despite gender differences.


Equality goes beyond feminism and encapusules and covers a much broader area, being the expressive state and measure of treatments towards people on a whole, regardless of gender, color or race. On simple terms, it is equal treatment to all as human beings who are equally privilaged to assess human rights. This is not narrowed down to one sector, and any kind of discrimination, be it discrimination against women, race or color falls under this one concept of equality. The recent acts against the black people in USA and the movement " Black lives Matter" and that being changed into " All lives matter" is a perfect example of what equality stands for. The ideology and vision of Equality worldwide is to bring equal rights to every human, without discrimination or uniformed treatments to any party.


As the world is constantly changing and the new technology having unlimited access to the people's lives, discrimination as well as support is spread internationally within a snap. The discrimination of the black society as well as the ongoing discriminatory act known as "Asian hate" is wide spread with the use of the internet creating a despise among people. Also the access to international acts of discriminations are also easily accessed by the activist parties, be it feminist or equality, they are able to gather information and provide justice.


These concepts have a noticeable amount of power to create an impact to a situation where injustice is prominent but the importance of equality is more widespread and needed than feminism which is narrowed down to one sector. The discrimination or abuse is not focused on one gender, that being women but the abuses, hate and discriminations are more  concerned with races as well as the queer societies now than women as a secluded segment. However, both the concepts are focused on equal treatment and creating world peace and making the world a better, fair and a place of justice where everyone can live with comfort despite individualistic differences.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your point about Feminism. As you have mentioned,it is a belief in full social, economic, and political equality for women. Feminism largely arose in response to Western traditions that restricted the rights of women, but feminist thought has global manifestations and variations. It is also having common sense. It's the idea that everyone is equal and deserves to be given this equity. Feminism helps enlighten everyone of this injustice and acts as a way for others to take action to help make equality happen.
