Monday, February 22, 2021


 Do you have friends? Surely, most of you will reply with “yes” as there should be at least one friend in your life who is always there being for you at any risk. Are all the friends real? My point is that most of them are fake friends who only need light from you, even though you’re burning in the flames of life.


Friendships are one of the major bonds that are being maintained by almost all human beings, and that type of bond can have a profound impact on an individual’s mental health and well-being. Sometimes, a good companionship means a powerful tool to face any challenge and it can console your soul by replacing every pain and loneliness with a delicate smile and integrity. Real friends can always offer their shoulders you can lean on to. They endure your struggles and help you in the storms of life. Having such real friends is actually a blessing to one’s life. Unfortunately, it has become a hard task to find real friends since they are very rare in this universe. However, you definitely meet a lot of toxic people wearing a mask, hiding fakeness, and appearing as real friends.

What will happen if you are in a friendship with fake friends? First of all, you have to spot and identify who are the fake friends.



       Fake friends are more common in society than you think because in a rat race life more people tend to be selfish and strive to come up by bullying others. These friends cannot be recognized at first sight. They may appear as best friends to you and that makes it difficult to identify them correctly. 

Here are the signs of fake friends.

  • They are not trustworthy
  • They adore gossip and drama
  •  They will prefer you when they only need you
  • They have no commitment
  • They will lie
  • They are critical of you
  • They tell bad things when you’re not around
  • They are envious and jealous of you
  • They shun you
  • They exploit your good heart and kindness


“The fake people do not dare to come out from their mask and face the truth of the real ones.” (Ehsan Sehgal)




   Yes, exactly. Fake friends can make a depression. How? Once you meet friends, you will try to always be with them, enjoy your life with them, share your personal life with them, and most importantly you will trust them. Those friends will also act like best friends and will convince you that they are really happy by being with you. They may say that they want the success of your life and happiness and they promise you to help. Consequently, you believe them and continue your friendship for two-three months or two-three years. At one point, you will realize that you had been used and bullied trickily by them. 

Let us take an example: You are preparing for an exam. Your friends say that you will definitely pass your exam and they will motivate you with words like “don’t be afraid”, “we’re always for you”, “let’s do this anyway” Conversely, they hide your notes, gossip with you, ask you to come to watch films and do everything to prevent you from achieving success.

This is just a simple example. These friends are toxic people or abusers and always with an artificial fake smile. When you identify these so-called friends or frenemies, you will start to think that “these friends are fake” and “the whole world is fake”. After comprehending the danger lurking behind friendships, you’ll feel torn inside, shattered and that can harm your wellbeing and finally, you will get depression.



 Fake friends can devastate your personal life seriously. There are two options. Avoiding fake friends and finding real friends. Don’t get depressed because of unwanted toxic people. I am sensing that the best option is to avoid them as far as possible. They are just trouble makers and a nuisance, creating problems for you. The world is not fair at all and we should adapt to that unfairness with intelligence. You have to intelligently get away from fake friends. I firmly agree with Lord Buddha’s preaching that “if you cannot find a good friend, it is better to be alone” Befriend with you. Love yourself. Chase your dreams. Then, you will win.

Now, this is your turn to share your own experiences about fake friends or real friends.πŸ‘€πŸ‘¬πŸ‘­


  1. Fake friends are indeed there in anyone’s lives. I also have met this kind of people of course. Someone whom I thought as a good friend of mine (who was sitting next to me in the school) had talked behind my back spreading gossips around my friends. At that time I was taken aback because I really liked that person and I thought she does too. I would not have minded that if it was someone who had nothing to do with me. But the closer the friends are, the disappointment was also high. I never asked ‘why have you said that lies about me’ instead I just got away from her, both physically and mentally.

  2. "Should a seeker not find
    a companion who is better or equal,
    let him resolutely pursue a solitary course;
    there is no fellowship with the fool".
    If you cannot find a good friend,it is better to live alone because fake friends can destroy your whole life. It is impossible to choose who is real and who is fake. Maybe you associate someone for a longer period of time,but one cannot figure out friends.We can only find fake friends when we are in trouble because fake friends leave us at that time.They do not know that 'Friend in need is the friend indeed' Fake friends abondon you when you have problems.Most of the time,fake friends are the ones who create problems.I think everyone has experience in those kinds of situations.when I was in grade 6,there were lots of friends but now I have only one best friend. Others cheated on me.I began to ignore them as they were fake. How I found them as fake was the reason that they talk nonsense with others in the absence of me.Although they congratulated me with every successful moment in life,inside they were jealous.I agree that fake friends can be a cause of depression because people feel depressed or bad when the ones who you trust,the beloved ones do something wrong to your life.One friend now I have is a pure treasure I have on my life.She was with me in every situation,good or bad, succes or failure.On the other hand, we have to be real friends to our friends.Do not break their hearts.Always be truthful.There are many instances where people's lives are destroyed through bad friends.Some used to do illegal things,use drugs,make bad decisions in life,to lie,to kill and so on.Thus,being safe when choosing friends is essential in life.

  3. I totally agree with your argument. This dilemma of choosing good and fake friends is common for all of us, as each one of us may have experienced the good deeds done by good friends and the disaster done by fake friends who are disguised as good ones. I am not going to discuss about the good done by the friends who are labelled as 'good ', because, being with a such person means a total relaxation. On the other hand,it is a must to be aware of the fake friends. They always try to down-graded us appearing as doing good. A Friend means a person who is very much familiar to our lives. If we choose a fake friend as our best friend, it will be a real trouble. So, be aware of making friends is important.

  4. I really appreciate your effort in bringing up this kind of argument.We all have friends but we have to choose wisely when we are going to associate everyone as friends because friends may appear in different ways.Thus we need to have a clear idea between the real friends and fake ones.

  5. In fact, I never have had a best friend in my life so far. Then what kind of friends do I have? To be honest, I would like to say that I try my best to make everybody friends of mine. There is only one principle that I followed in my life with regarded to "friends". That is, I try my best to do my works by my own strength while helping others as well in necessity, expecting nothing in return and try to practice that principle more and more, but if somebody helps me or treat me sincerely I do cordially accept it as well. In deed, that may be the reason why I refrain from the problems with regarded to fake friends. Thus what I am saying is, try your best to do your works by your own strength, and REMEMBER, help others as well. People who actually love you will come forth for your support where it is needed and no matters will be occurred about fake friends.
