Thursday, February 18, 2021

I’m gonna love you – like I’m gonna lose you I’m gonna hold you – like I’m saying good-bye…


Love is not something that grant us the life of someone else; it can be sometimes letting the other go for his/her own good. So, we should value the time we have with our loved ones because “we’ll never know when we’ll run out of time”. It is not only the romantic love, but any kind of a relationship we value the most in our lives.

“In a blink of an eye

Just a whisper of smoke

You could lose everything

The truth is you never know”

They say, in this temporary life, you could lose everything at any moment. Therefore, not to have regrets later on, you should love the ones you want. Sometimes, we care and love someone so dearly, but fails to express it and then regret when they leave our side. Or sometimes, we are too late to realize someone’s value and then regret your loss.  Some may be reluctant to express their feeling in fear of being left alone, but it is too late when they realize the possibilities they had. On the other hand, sometimes we consider too much care and attention as an extra nuisance, but when we lose that care we realize how much that meant to us. This happens in parent-children love. When they look after us or care too much, we take it as a hassle, but when we are left behind without their love, we get to know that we cannot be without that “too much” of love. Or we might take the person with us for granted thinking she/he might not leave no matter what we do. But everything has its own limits.

Finally, I want to say is, love and care when you still has time, “make most of the minute and love with no regrets”.




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes. what you have stated is true. Taking for granted has become a dangerous habit of humans. They think when someone loves you or treats you good that is forever but in reality, everything might change. That is how life is. You might lose someone in a second. This could be by them leaving you, you leaving them, or even death. What is important that you make the most of your time with them when they are around so that you would not have any regrets. Because living in the moment is better than worrying about tomorrow.

    1. That's true Pavani. living in the moment is better than worrying about tomorrow.

  3. The way you discuss the targeted idea through different states of relationships such as parent-child, lover-lover, friend-friend is appeciatable good argument and better in proving your points taking the examples from the society. And the idea you gave in the beginning as well as in the title is so accurate because loving someone doesn't mean imprisoning that person it is setting free and letting be themselves since Love is a sacrifice.

  4. You have discussed about the connection between 'love and time' and I agree with your argument. We should show love and respect others when they are expected those affections. Otherwise both us and them will have to be suffer. Sometimes you may be too late when you understand someone's value. So, it is important to understand the validity of each and every person around you when they are with you. you have strengthen your idea by giving parents-children love as an example. This is common to all of us.

  5. Thank you for bringing out parent-children love.As soon as the term "love" appears,we tend to think it as a relationship between a girl and a boy but love has a deeper definition than that.whatever the relationship, we should not think it as a hassle.You begin to feel regretful after they leave you. It you really had some happiest moments with them,you don't feel sad when they leave because everyone in your life will leave you willingly or unwillingly as it is the eternal truth.
    Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile
    because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss
    As you mentioned, if we really love someone ,we have to let them go if their happiness lies in another place. It's called the true should not have to repent,if you had some memorable moments with that peron.

    1. Yes Anupama, I do agree with you. The word LOVE does not mean that it is a relationship between two lovers.Above mentioned situations can happen in the relationships between grand parents and grand children and even between parents and children

  6. I do agree with your idea. When I'm reading this, the below mentioned quote came to my mind.
    "Tomorrow is never promised, So love and appreciate the people who
    are in your life".
    I think all you are trying to convey is embedded and summarized within this quote. We should keep the fact in our minds that life is totally unplanned and temporary . So that we could lose anyone at any moment. Therefore, love your family, friends, lover or any other close ones and make no room for regret. As you have demonstrated we should care for our loved ones and grasp lovely memories, because someday people may leave you, but only memories will exist as they are. So cherish them.

  7. I agree with you Wasana. There's a saying "smile while while you have teeth " like that we should love while we have time. We should BE with our loved ones as long as we can. If want to be contented in the future we should give our love and attention to our loved ones. We should understand them and we should have the capability to understand what they expect from us. In order to be a happy person without worries we should be able to express our feelings towards them as well. If we bottle up our feelings and love towards definitely you will regret one day. So my view is that it is not enough to keep our love and affection to ourselves but we should also want to express them. Unless you will be failed from any kind of a relationship.
