Thursday, February 18, 2021

Do you worry about the small stuff ?

                                Worrying like a rocking chair.

                                                It gives you something to do but it does not give you anywhere.

                                                                                                          -Van Wilder-

 As much as worry and fear can bring us to our knees sometimes, it probably causes to life changing, as well as catastrophic conditions. Life hurls incredibly challenging fast balls at us. Through this post, let's stay focused on how to stay emotionally regulated and calm during the other times, when we feel taken hostage emotionally by "the small stuff".

                                                                  Worry and fear can feel overwhelming and have a way of tricking us into believing that all is lost. All these are legitimate feelings. Think, how failure for someone who is perfectionistic and believes they MUST do things perfectly might impact them. This is why the "small stuff" can resonate so deeply. It can feel like a threat to our survival!

There are few methods to stop worrying about the small stuff.

1.     Practice to stay in the moment.

                  If we live, as if the future has already happened. We have to worry about the stuff that has not happened yet. Therefore, stop getting ahead  of yourself is crucial.

     2. Cultivate contentment.

                  If you are not content with your life the way it is right now, you will be prone to worry. Therefore, try to be happy with what you have. Make a habit of noticing the many ways that God is blessing you every day, and then expressing your thanks to God.

      3. Practice self- acceptance.

                   Worry can orbit around an unsure sense of self; it is important to try shifting your self- concept from negative to positive.

      4. Reframe your worry.

                    Remember that your perception drives your worry. You are the only one who can assign meaning to the things. So, practice  reframing worry by doing something productive instead of worrying.

      5. Identify what keeps you stuck and work.


                                              Life can move smoothly at times, but inconveniences are inevitable. Overreactions like worrying about the small stuff happens, when we get hyper-focused on ourselves and our own emotions. Remember, worrying will not stop the bad stuff from happening, it just stops you from enjoying the good. So, focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be. Lastly, keep in mind that, learning to not sweat the small stuff is a hallmark of resilience and guaranteed improvement in your emotional health as a whole.







  1. Yes, worrying is a major mistake done by many of us. Before doing anything new in our life most of us used to overthink how the external society think about us if we'll do that. Then, in certain occassions, because of our excessive humanity we tend to forgive people who did mistakes not only for one time , but in several times.After forgiving them again we have to worry. Then, why we should do such things that make us worry. Why can't we understand the reality. Many of us miss to enjoy our own life because of our continuous worrying of useless things. I believe that we should not waste this short term life by worrying or stressing. Let's start to enjoy our life without worrying about the small stuff.🧡🧡

  2. I agree with your points but i will be more content if you could have been more spe iflix on the facts, as if how worrying affects human life and how a human should overcome his or her worries in order to lead a better life. As I think, worrying is something that is perfectly general for each of us, yet the manner we worry is a vast discussion. In my point of view worrying is essential because through worrying over something you regret, you become guilty, and you make sure that you won't repeat the same thing that you had to worry about. So worrying is needed in life yet sticking into one initiative and giving up everything in life is waste of time, energy and waste of happiness too. So what should be done is learning from being worried and move on with life.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I truly like the topic you have chosen. This is a much-needed discussion in this generation where people worry a lot and overthink small things. What caught my attention most was the phrase that “Practice to stay in the moment”. It is very important that people should understand this.
    This is life. We do not know what will happen in the future. One might die in a second. So why worry about a tomorrow which you don’t know will even happen? Learning to live in the moment is a huge blessing one could gift themselves with. Imagine you worry about an exam which is next week. But what if die tomorrow? Won’t you be too sad that you spent your last day worrying about a useless thing?

    Apart from that, there is a saying that, what we worry about never happens.” Five hundred years ago, Michel de Montaigne said: "My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened." Now there's a study that proves it. This study looked into how many of our imagined calamities never materialize.”
    The study has shown that 85 Percent of What We Worry About Never Happens.

    "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders, losses, and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can.
    Tomorrow is a new day; let today go. Each new day is too dear, with its hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on yesterdays." This piece of wisdom was written by Ralph Waldo Emerson to his daughter who was worried about a small mistake she did.
    Don Joseph, 2017 stated that It's possible to make this same choice to let go of worry and gradually move past worry altogether. You can rewire your brain to quiet the worry circuit. It takes a decision and it takes a special kind of practice, but it's simpler than you might imagine.

  5. Worrying is a major mistake done by most of us today. But according to my opinion, worrying is not a solution for a problem.we should do things not to worry but to satisfy. Worrying over things over again and again brings unhappiness to one's life and sometimes this brings suicidal tendencies.

  6. People worry everyday, every minute. It's has bad impact on you. "Life is too short to worry" You really have no time to worry if you really wants to enjoy the life. Some people worry eventhough they have everything they needed in life. What I think as the major reason for worrying is that you do things to impress the society not yourself. Living the way you want is not a bad thing as long as you do not hurt anyone.According to my personal experience, When a worried condition or feeling approaches me,I tend to think that I have a great life. Other people have more troubles than me. This is just a small thing I have to face.Even I have roof over me, food to eat, at least 3 or 4 trustworthy people around me. So why I have to worry for such a small stuff. There are people who do not have food,water and shelter ,the basics for survival.I can say it the contentment. Like wise,I think and I really do not worry about small stuff.
    As you mentioned, living in the present can help to avoid being worry. What we have to do is to live in the Present.All you have is NOW to enjoy the life and we do not know about the next minute whether we are lucky enough to live in the next minute. So, don't worry about your future and don't make NOW a waste.

  7. Your selection is perfect. Once I read this ,a quote of Mark Twain came to my mind:"A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval".Anyways out of these, what I prefer to highlight and what I see the most important is self acceptance.Even Twain has said that self acceptance is the thing that we should possess to move on.Self-acceptance enables you to understand and be honest about your strengths and weaknesses. By accepting yourself, you open the door to self-care and a much more positive attitude towards who you really are. This will create the opportunity to develop and improve yourself and your life.
