Friday, February 19, 2021


                 Move on, let go, and get over it.




          If someone ask me, if a song can give us an experience we have never had before I would definitely say yes, because there is one song that always makes me feel heartbroken, though I am not really. Every single time when Toni Braxton’s voice is heard with the song,” unbreak my heart” I really Feel alienated, and question myself, where do I go from here.  Diane Warren: The songwriter, has employed her word power to bring out a blistering heartbreak to which Toni Braxton gives life through her melancholic voice. The song is about a woman who is going through a breakup, and she begs her former lover to return and undo the pain he caused. 

                                                               Unbreak my heart

                                                              Say you’ll love me again

                                                            Undo this hurt you caused,       She is pleading for the man who left her to come back. Indeed, she presents her life as stagnant without him, and begs him to unbreak her heart with the sweet address, ‘I love you’. She keeps on lamenting and convincing the idea that the only way her heart will be mended is his return. Despite the fact the song is well sung, I do not agree with the message conveyed through it. It is true that the period after breakup is really a painful one, but according to my point of view, I do not believe that someone should let the whole life be manipulated by the above feeling. We know that roses lose their pedals, but they bloom again. likewise, we should turn it to our own advantage and keep going with more strength than earlier.

            We all know that nothing can be done without giving an effort. As in this case it is you who are responsible to decide should I deal with the breakup grief staying stuck in isolation and pain or should I move forward. As I interpret things, I do not believe that we should give it the power to ruin all our goals by continuously begging and lamenting over it. Don't let that feeling occupy your consciousness. Even though the woman in the song  asks to, “take back the sad word  goodbye and bring back the joy to my life”, “If you are brave enough to say goodbye life will reward you with a new hello”.  

             every dark cloud has a silver lining; breakup is not an exception too. Thus, makes it a chance to discover your independence and keep moving and trying to be your best solo self. Trying to understand the fact that a heart loaded with the feeling of failure and sorrow may block the path towards your dreams, will speed up the process of working for your own goodness without letting yourself to be invaded by frustration. Although the woman mourns saying, “Without you I just can't go on", nothing in the world is impossible. The only thing that you should do is investigating your inner strengths. Then, you will realize that you just defeated only from love not from your whole life.

                You might have set aside many beautiful things of your life chasing love. So, stop being frustrated, and start doing all you want to achieve. End that sorrowful chapter with a full stop and begin your life with a new one which will later make you really proud of your strength in facing the reality of life.

       “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have”





  1. It's true that music can take us to worlds that we have never been. The lyrics of some songs are so magical that it touch the most unexpected emotions in our hearts and alienate us in feelings we've never felt. That's the very essence of literature in music. Furthermore, i agree with your argument that we should not be stagnated in grief after a break up. we need to have the courage and strength to face the future letting the past go because we never know what more beautiful things the life will bring us in the future

  2. I agree that a song can give experience we never had before. Some songs are really powerful and we get lost in the song.I personally do not like melancholic songs very much as I do not want feel bad without really having such a situation. When it comes to this song,the girl laments over her past.A broken heart is the worst that nobody can see it or feel it and it hurts every second. It is the sole truth in the world,no one stays with you forever.Some day everyone leaves you.So,one has to be strong enough to face the reality without lamenting all the time"someone should not let the whole life manipulated by feelings".You should not chase the love and if you love someone,you should be able to sacrifice your happiness in order to see your lover's happiness. Although he/she leaves you,you still can love him/her because love is not about owning.

  3. Such a magical piece of music,a bunch of emotions. Yes I agree that setting free is the best way of loving someone and if they want to stay the would, if not they would leave but never forget that you shouldn't keep that space a void cuz best is always yet to come.

  4. Yes, some songs are very powerful and they go deep into our hearts rising our emotions. As you have mentioned, this song deals with a woman who are lamenting over the lost of her beloved. Also, I do agree with your argument. It's not necessary lamenting over one person who left you alone although how much you love that person. You also own a life to enjoy. Being stagnant and weeping forever is shown as someone's stupidity. So, the point is, if you are defeated in a love affair, don't ruin your beautiful life along with it. Go a long way and achieve your own goals.

  5. I do agree completely. We can decide whether to suffer from the break up or not. Some decide to suffer from the love because they are not ready to let go. They are afraid of moving on, of forgetting that person. Well that is their choice. People think differently. It is not in our hands to judge. But if because of love, someone’s mental health or physical wellbeing is damaged then it is important to figure things out. Understanding that everything is temporary and people do change is necessary. This is life where nothing goes according to our plans. If we dwell too much on another person we might lose ourselves in the progress. It is okay to lose love but it is definitely not okay to lose yourself. Understanding that holding on is harder than letting go is important.
    Breakups hurt. We regret loving sometimes. But with all that we also do learn a lot. We grow from the pain. We learn how to deal with difficult emotions and also how to deal with the world in some ways. Thus rather than regretting love, we can be grateful that we learnt a lot which even schools can not teach. After all it is good to see the good in everything rather than hating them.
