Thursday, February 18, 2021

Social Boundaries and People's behaviour

In every society there are some boundaries or limitations which shape people's behaviour. Due to social boundaries people do not express what they actually want to express. People keep something in their minds and projects completely constrasting opinion. Social boundaries can vary from country to country.  Nation to nation and so on. Anyway these boundaries are like factory machines which make and produce new brains. People are not free in their behaviours because of the social pressure due to limitations. Most of the time social boundaries mean what the majority think is correct and good. How can we judge things whether they are good or bad? People are different. Their attitudes are different. According to my view if we disregard the social noams completely we can kill or rape a person. But actually are you going to kill or rape a person? No. Deifiently no because social noams are in the bottom of your heart. (Here my intention is not to justify raping and murder). I wanted to show that how social boundaries come forward before people's real attitudes. People are bounded by the social noams. If you regard this illustration itself you can see how social boundaries change what people actually want to say. Whether we are like or dislike is not the matter. Limitations are the matter.  So I think social noams and social limitations have a pressure on human attitudes. We are bounded by that. It is in vain to do arguments because at last we have to agree to the social boundaries in order to appear as "good" person in the society.  But in my case I'm not a good person and I don't either want to be a good person to the society. If everyone can be like that I think more genuine feelings , attitudes , opinions , persons will appear in the society. 


  1. So true, what I feel always among others is that eventhough we want to be true society doesn't allow it. I'm a person always with uncontrollable verbal capacity I would rather say things at the very moment they process in my mind than pilling up inside and criticize them for years, but all the same the society makes me so bad of letting myself to be ME. So I think the question remains on are we actually allowed to live ourselves if not what is keeping us away from it. πŸ’«

  2. This is completely true. Norms of the society have been a really depressive factor for the society itself. Even knowing this, humans still judge others according to their opinion. They do not hear what others say, rather they hear what they want to hear. After all who define “Good” and “Bad”? How can you tell among them, who’s just and who’s not? Who’s black and who’s white?
    Society is going to judge you no matter what you do. So why not live doing what you love.
    After all social norms are something people have in their heads. If you are confident enough to not make them affect you, these norms will lose their power eventually. As individuals, we should first try to change our perspectives instead of changing society. When individuals keep doing this, won’t society also change? Being not judgemental and open-minded is the key to this change. Being strong enough to not care about other people’s opinions is a huge thing you can gift yourself with. After all, it is your parents who feed you, not society.

  3. I agree with you, because in society we are not allowed to do the things that we want to do. In most cases people cannot do good deeds also, because if the majority sees it as a bad thing (although it is a good deed) we are not allowed to do it. People have to live according to the society. The have to build there own boundaries and through that they sacrify their happiness in order to please the society. Actually, people have no right to control others, because they have their faults and first they should think about that. After recorrecting their own faults they can talk about others. First, we should think about our faults not about others.However, people have no right to control others.

  4. I also agree with you. Social boundaries or constraints pave the way for man to avoid expressing their feelings,ideas frankly to society as they wish. This sometimes brings burden to people. The crux of the matter is that, these constraints are due to culture, religion,beliefs and others in that particular country. Social democracy without social boundaries is quintessence. Then people in society can live as they wish but their living should be without immoral activities.

  5. Yes, social norms forces us to behave in a certain way.So people unwillingly do what others expect from us but not what we really want to do. One may choose his profession ,life partner or make decisions according to social norms which is bad.what happens if we deviate from them,the society labels those people as immoral or mad which is not right always.They live just the way they want. These social norms have negative impacts on gender either. It promotes gender inequality because there are things what girls or women should do and men should do.Women cannot do jobs and they are forced to do what society expects.But nowadays,most of the women break those social norms and enjoy their lives doing what they really like.I recently watched a Sri Lankan short film called Diving in the sky and that film is a best example to show how social norms affect the lives of young.A girl called Aparna breaks those rules and becomes what she wants.Everything has both sides,good and bad.Sometimes social norms help us to lead a good life.For example,most Americans brush their teeth twice a day and if you don't and discover it, you practice it next day.So,it helps them to lead a healthier life. According to my point of view, you should not be like everyone else. You can live in your own way.Just don't do anything to others which you don't like happen to you.
    Diving in the sky-

  6. Even me is in the same position with regarded to the issue you are talking about. Actually we cannot make happy the whole society and it is impossible and as I think even thinking of it is the very foolishness in the world. However, as you mentioned, we cannot murder or rape someone.Then how do we separate these dos and don'ts? What you have to do is just think whether this thing (activities, words etc) what I am engaging with, is harmful for me or others. If the answer is "neither", you can go ahead with your life.

  7. Your explanation is so true Prabavi. However I prefer if you can highlight the limitations and change in attitudes through different examples. For instance we can use our cultural background and hoe the culture affects in controlling behavior and attitudes. Most of the time, reason for divorce cases in our country is the inability to understand correct person because the chance to unveil the true selves is limited.So that,people tend to hide their attitudes and emotions which is ultimately leading to disastrous situations.

  8. Yes.According to my point of view this is a true argument because always social boundaries make individuals limited to a certain context.Society controls people according to social norms.So people have to live under societal rules and if someone goes beyond those social boundaries,he/she will be regarded as a disrespect to that society.Social boundaries never let people to do their own desires and they have to do what society accepts.


  9. Yes, I do agree upon this. As you have mentioned through out the post, social norms and limitations both shape and control our behavior. In a sense, such norms become helpful in controlling and mitigating negative behaviorisms, but the problem lies upon the over dependence and belief on social norms and limitations that have been continued for a longer period of time. People with such beliefs always try to cut a figure for themselves in the society by fallowing the so called norms without expressing their genuine feelings and actions. This is because most people are scared on judgementalism based on so called accepted norms. For instance boys show more verbal power than girls, but if a girl speaks like a boy, she is more likely to be criticized for not being an obedient puppy of feminine theories and descriptions of who a woman is. Over dependence and blind faith on these norms lead to serious problems too. as Sithiji have mentioned above, most of the divorce cases have this as the root. We Sri Lankans experience the power of social norms as a controlling factor of human behavior more than anyone else, because the society is always judgmental based on them. yes, in that sense, social boundaries come forward before people's real attitudes. To remedy this, despite blindly fallowing the norms and limitations set by the society, we should have a clear understanding on what is good and what is bad. It is totally okay to refuse unfitting things, and to grasp only the good things of such norms, and be genuine rather than maintaining a false image.

  10. "For instance boys show more verbal power than girls, but if a girl speaks like a boy, she is more likely to be criticized for not being an obedient puppy of feminine theories and descriptions of who a woman is"
    What is verbal power? Do you want to suggest that men show power verbally?

  11. The post is okay but you need to tighten your argument.

  12. Please pay attention to spelling. Edit and revise your piece of writing carefully before submitting/publishing.
