Friday, February 19, 2021


Image result for birds feeding 



 I came out from home with my morning tea and what I saw at first glance is a couple of birds who are bringing food alternatively for their child-birds and feed them. After few seconds, I saw another flock of feathers collecting warms and seeds in the ground. Nothing reminds me except the question that how human beings make their simple life so complex.

As just a kind of living beings we ourselves are following the same routine and our primary necessities are also foods, shelter and air just as for those birds; but see the way we make it harder to approach those primary necessities. For example, a bird will fly approximately one or two miles for finding foods or ingredients of their shelter. In contrast see how human beings make this distance lengthier. From the day we attend to our per-school, till we get out from the school, for what we are working for? for what we all working for among the loads of assignments in University? You may say definitely for having a better job in the near future; but when you see that closer you will understand that how human beings struggle to achieve the same necessities for years.   

The most sarcastic thing is the way we are wishing support from the technology for the problems which we ourselves made, making our lives more complex. In brief, after making ourselves complex, we create another system call ‘technology’ to solve those problems and under the process of technology also, there will be another set of problems derived. Thus, what matters if we had not made ourselves complex from the beginning? I do not think that we can live in society as simple as those birds but this is nice to recall the unnecessary complexity which we ourselves have created among ourselves departing from simplicity.

Definitely you may say that although birds are seeming to live freely and lightly, they are in a fear of being victims of other creatures in every moment;but don't you think that as human beings our lives are also unpredictable with the diseases, road accidents, human hunters etc. In fact, human lives are also attached with death in anytime.

As I think uncountable ideologies which are created in human mind make human lives so complex. Once you create an ideology that you are in a ‘high class’ of this society you have to use and follow typical human habits with more added features which are recognized as the culture of ‘high class’. Thus, for the sake of highlight or differentiate from others in society, people used to build such ideologies giving values for unnecessary things in life. Under that, again human beings tangle in problems making their lives complex. Thus, again I am emphasizing that HOW BRAINY IF WE HAVE BEEN REMAINING SIMPLE FROM THE BEGINNING?

In order to think about the simplicity of life this comparison will be sufficient. You may question me pointing that it is the human being who are greater than animals because of the brain capacity and that is why they are being so ‘civilized manner’; but what I have to say for such questions is, if we have such ‘masterminds’ why they make our lives so complex unless making it simple and isn’t that the utmost goal of civilization? Now it is visible that SIMPLICITY is the answer for the human kind who are panting because of tiresome complex lifestyle. 

Image result for calm life



  1. I really appreciate for bringing this idea through the post. People should be aware of it. In the mornings, as a habit I walk in the garden with my first cup of tea, enjoying fresh scenery. One day I saw a bird family and thought how their life is so simple. What makes a human life so complex. I agree with the reasons brought out by this post. Why people do everything is to find their necessities; food,shelter,clothes and medicine.It is just the same, birds and other creatures are in need of food. People need more and more,want something more than his/her relatives and neighbors have, want to copy others, want to be superior(not in good morals but materialistic things).So, those make a human life so complex. Especially, one cannot survive easily with the competition in the society.Our ancestors spent a simple life than us. I agree that technology makes our life complex. In the past, the people lived a good life without electronics.They had no mobile phones and all that.People should not run a rat race to live a better life. Being simple, one can be happy which is the most important goal in the life. If one is tired and bored with life, make your life simple and be happy. It is one's choice in life to stay happy or not.

  2. It is obvious that humans always try to maintain a complex lifestyle as in modern society everyone is greedy for materialistic wealth and many people think that happy and comfortable life depends on money and if someone has money then he/ she can live happily ever after. But, their greediness for money makes their lives more uncomfortable, complex and insecure than they think. They do not think about others even about themselves when making money with much effort. It is good that you point out about simplicity and most of humans should aware of this that only money cannot fulfill their life and the most important thing is the inner happiness. simplicity is the way to achieve that inner happiness. Also, technology has a great impact on the complexity of human life today as humans have become like robots with the use of technical devices. As a result, they do not aware of entertainment, love, care, share and understanding of others. So, I think simplicity is the best way we can live happily and comfortably and it depends on one's choice either to live in a complex way or in a simple way.

    1. Yes exactly, what we think as happiness and, what we try to achieve as happiness derive the feeling of happiness until we reach that particular destination. Because, at the end of the day when we look back we can see that happiness remained in our past before we gather possessions which we felt as happiness; we have gathered just another set of possessions which measures yourself and you are trying to go beyond those measurements other than living in your life. You will not be the owner of your life further. Thus, this is the fate of human beings who makes complex their lives by themselves as a result of underestimating simplicity in everywhere.

  3. I too agree with this argument here. I see the ultimate goal of life as happiness. But with these busy and complex lives, it is really harder to archive that simple concept. Maybe with the simplicity, you have suggested we could have archive happiness easily and faster. Nothing is greater than having a peaceful mind. But due to people making their own lives so complex, even the only place where we can archive peace without anyone’s permission has gone away. This is such a tragedy as I see.

    I wonder how good it could have been if we were also lived in the stone age. The worst would be boredom and risk. But aren’t we still facing that worst continuously?

    1. "I wonder how good it could have been if we were also lived in the stone age. The worst would be boredom and risk. But aren’t we still facing that worst continuously?"

      It is really nice rhetoric Pavani... and now I can understand that I have conveyed my idea clearly. Yes of course, that puzzlement over today's situation is pointed out and questioned because as human beings we say that we are going ahead with the aid of science, technology or any other means. But, are they powerful enough to reduce the risk or at least the boredom in our lives which was also common for the stone age? (just as you mentioned) NO. Don't we talk about cyber bulling and hacking which are recognized as threaten for people's personal life? Don't we feel tired and boredom even at our smart phone? THEN WHAT IS THE MEANING OF OUR SO CALLED DEVELOPMENT? As I feel it is making ourselves complex as a result of trying to make our lives simple and that is the place we neglect the nature by going against it being opposed to the simple but well planned structure of the nature.

      Thus, the answer is simplicity, accepting the order of nature.
