Thursday, February 18, 2021

"Those who are not happy with todays less will never be happy with tomorrows increase "


 In the above image we see 02 individuals. My initial question  who is the one having more cake ? We all agree that ,comparatively  the one at the bottom has the highest quantity of cake .But What I find amazing about the picture is the focus of these individuals .Though the one at the top has only a  piece of cake .He is extremely happy and beaming .Yet the one at the bottom is focused on the part that is missing. This is also similar to the analogy of a  person viewing a glass as half empty and another as half full. So all of us including me, lets remember to  focus on our blessings because the benefits of practicing gratitude is endless .Lets try to attune our mind to open up and accept the things we have and stop focusing on that which we lack .

      What's in it for you?

# Builds strong bonds 

When you practice gratitude, you will begin to appreciate the favours done to you ,hence build stronger relationships.

# Become an optimist

#Become more energetic and alert

#Improves self esteem

# Builds healthier immune system

# Eliminates stress 

# Shields us from negativity

        The attitude of Gratitude has been a life changer for many .Has it being one for you?

"I cried because I had no shoes until I saw a man with no feet .Life is full of blessings. Sometimes we are just blind to see them"
A simple way to start to be grateful is to have  gratitude journal.What are the ways you use in order to practice gratitude. Comment so that others also might benefit. 




  1. Yes of course, being content on what we have without being worried about what we lack is simply being content with life and giving the rightful gratitude to the sources that make us contented is a genuine way of bring humble as a human being.

  2. Yes totally. Being grateful fo the life you have been given is a huge blessing. One should know how to be grateful instead of complaining about little things that get in your way. While you are complaining about the meal not being tasty your mother cooked for you, there are millions of people out there starving and dying from hunger. And there are kids being helpless without parents.

    Maintaining a gratitude journal is a good idea. It is not that hard you just need to write something very small.
    Write about a time you were grateful for something a loved one did for you.
    List three silly things your friends did today.
    What are three ways to thank someone without saying “thank you”?
    As for the last one, my friends say “ I love You” instead of thanking you. Like that, very little things in life you can be grateful for will make a huge change in your life eventually.

  3. Being agree with what you are mentioning here, I also have to say that people lack from what others are full and vise versa. It is the nature of the society. If one can understand this simplest truth that person will never worry about the things what he/she is lacking. Therefore a suggestion can be pointed out that what we can do is, share goods or money or even knowledge among each other and that will work as a good solution for this. I think people become sad or disappointed because of the inability of accepting the reality. But when you understand that there are people who without their foot, you will never cry over lacking beautiful shoes as you mentioned "I cried because I had no shoes until I saw a man with no feet". Thus, try to see the reality mindfully and be happy with what you have.

  4. I personally like to talk and read about gratitude since it helps to keep away being worried. All of us should know how to practice gratitude and at the beginning it's hard. Conducting a gratitude journal is the easiest way to practice it but should know how to do it exactly. Writing that I'm grateful for this person and that person do not work but choosing one thing and writing at least five sentences mentioning why you are grateful will be successful. You can even practice it in the road. You can carry a physical token of gratitude in your pocket such as heart-shaped stone, crystal or some other small thing that will act as a reminder. When you forget or some other thing circulates around your head, each time you put your hand into the pocket, you will find that reminder, reminding you to be grateful. Even you can be grateful for the road signs for showing you the way.
    Be grateful for the smallest things you encounter daily. If you have roof over the head, clothes, medicine and food to eat you should be grateful to them as there are people without them. If we eat three meals per day , we should be grateful for that as I heard somewhere that 1 billion people in the world's population only eat once a day. So, I'm pretty sure that being grateful will make your entire day a blessing.

  5. A gratitude journal is a good idea. Sine it is not a vey complex task we all can do and a gratitude journal forces ourselves to pay attention to the good things in life we might otherwise take for granted. In that way, we start to become more attuned to the everyday sources of pleasure around us — and the emotional tone of our life can shift in profound ways.
